Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Be Good to Yourselves, We Might Be Watching

I recently watched a documentary that explained how throughout pregnancy and during the birthing process large amounts of a certain hormone is released in the mother that actually makes her extra protective over the small vulnerable life that is about to enter the world.  A woman's body is automatically equipped to do everything to protect their child.  

One thing I think many mothers fail to protect their daughters from, however, is the endless judgement they place on themselves.  They think their daughters aren't watching when they look dejectedly in the mirror as they slip into last year's swim suit, that their little ears don't understand what crows feet and cellulitis mean.  But we know and we learn.  Parents can say "do as I say" but kids will still do as you do.   

I learned from my mother to take note of the size of my thighs, to worry about the small veins that are starting to appear on my legs, to make sure my heals are smooth and moisturized, to try drinking coconut milk so I lose weight.  I didn't learn this because she told me I needed to work on these things;  I learned it from listening to her own heart breaking criticisms and attempts at physical self improvement.  

When i think of my mom, however, I think of how she used to let me swing between her legs when she sat in her housecoat - I don't really know how to describe how this worked, it just did and it was awesome - I think of how she would make finger tracks in the carpet when she vacuumed so I could jump from one to the next; I think of how she bought a ticket to a football game just to hear me sing the national anthem; I think of how she works so hard and is so lovely that everyone is in admiration when they meet her; I think of how she continues to sacrifice herself for her family even when her children are grown.  How dare anyone say that she color her hair, or drop a few pounds or buy $100 product to tighten her skin but this is what the endless litany of commercials, magazine articles and television shows would tell her. 

And if she believes that of herself, how am I supposed to believe that I'm perfect and beautiful just the way I am when I have her eyes, her skin, her thighs?  

Mother's, don't take for granted that little eyes are watching you, little ears hear you and they drink in everything you are because, to them, you are just as beautiful and perfect as you think they are.  Teach your daughters to love themselves as they are by loving yourself completely.  See yourself through the eyes of your children when you were their greatest hero - so if your kids are teenagers, try to think back to that time before your were just the person out to ruin their lives :P

Happy Mother's Day - You are beautiful!

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