Woke up this morning really wishing I didn't have to go into work. Little insecurity hangover if you will. All part of the process!
But it's Friday!!! So I've decided to have a little fun and create a top ten list of things to do with the time you have left over from not doing your makeup!
1. Top of my list - hit snooze ___ times
(dependent on how much time you gain without doing your makeup.
2. Read a book - also dependent on how much time you normally spend on your makeup
3. Play a round of Draw Something
4. Sleep In
5. Write an email or text a beautiful woman you know and tell her why she's beautiful!
6. Take those extra minutes in the shower and do some belly button maintenance.
7. Sleep longer
8. Pet an animal - it lowers blood pressure which you might need depending on how you feel about not wearing makeup.
9. Write down a list of 10 things that are awesome about you!
10. Did I mention you can sleep in longer?
Happy Weekend!
Can't wait to sleep in!
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